Friday, March 12, 2010

.NET: The Project Location is Not Trusted

There is instructions at msdn that can be found easy:

To start Mscorcfg.msc tool go to:
Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration

Microsoft gives instruction to setup new trusted zone for every project location at intranet. There is better solution if your corporate intranet protected by firewall and you have many project locations (or location can change frequently: like with ClearCase).

Instead of URL select Zone for code group condition type and select Local Intranet zone.
Select FullTrust permission set at next page. Finish the wizard.
Viola: All intranet is trusted. The only thing: you should be sure that you can trust your intranet :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How do you dig in another's source codes?..

Two and a half years ago I moved to my present job place. Then I again faced the problem to lean new portion of legacy spaghetti code...

I asked my new colleagues what tools they use to understand project code. I was very pity for their answer: a most advanced tools they used are a paper and a pen... One or two remembered SourceInsight IDE that can build a call tree (kind of search of references organized in a tree view).

I made fast analysis what facilities I need to dig in to a completely unknown complex code:
1. Search of references
2. Editable result of the search (to remove references I do not need)
3. Bookmarks to remember recent places in sources that are interesting
4. Tree organized bookmarks view to remember search tree

It is not very complex requirements but nobody implemented it so far (Or I do not know about...) :-(